government guarantee

英 [ˈɡʌvənmənt ˌɡærənˈtiː] 美 [ˈɡʌvərnmənt ˌɡærənˈtiː]




  1. Also, last month, the Fed moved to backstop short-term debt called asset-backed commercial paper, which led investors to pull away from the other half of the short-term debt market because it had no government guarantee. This debt was issued largely by corporations and European banks.
  2. That should make it easier for upstart lenders to compete for funds with state-owned banks widely viewed as carrying a government guarantee.
  3. Oujiang is assumed to have an implicit government guarantee – although local governments have no legal basis for providing this.
  4. And, in taking on Fannie and Freddie, they were belatedly making explicit the implicit government guarantee that the twins had long enjoyed in the eyes of investors.
  5. Since large financial institutions are most likely to fail during a crisis, this amounted to an open-ended government guarantee. What makes the decision quite unbearable is that it was, in my view, also correct.
  6. Banks with an implicit government guarantee will continue to take excessive risks.
  7. Their activities underwritten by implicit and explicit government guarantee, it is increasingly business as usual for Conglomerate banks.
  8. Removing the implicit central government guarantee would force cities and municipalities to borrow at market rates, pushing up their cost of borrowing and, in some cases, possibly limiting their access to capital.
  9. Once this government guarantee is perceived to have gone, buyers of bonds are likely to distinguish much more keenly between competing financial industry credits.
  10. The business model exploited the difference between the rates at which money could be raised with an implied government guarantee and the rate at which it could be lent commercially.
  11. During the 1990s Asian financial crisis, the Guangdong International Trust went bust, in spite of an implicit Guangdong state government guarantee.
  12. Local authorities will be responsible for transferring corresponding funds to Beijing but analysts said the arrangement amounted to an explicit central government guarantee for the bonds.
  13. Infrastructure Financing Project Government Guarantee Value Research Based on Jump-diffusion Process
  14. Now, big investment banks not only have economies of scale on their side and an implicit government guarantee that lowers their cost of funding, they are also treated for regulatory capital purposes similarly to smaller and less systemically important banks.
  15. The most serious objection is that everything is now systemic, and that allowing creditors to lose a percentage of their claims-despite the fact that they lent money to the banks without any government guarantee-may cause further bankruptcies.
  16. In Seoul, the Kospi index had its best ever day, rising 12 per cent to 1, 084.72 after parliament approved a$ 100bn government guarantee of bank debts.
  17. In addition, the economic council Mr Abe heads has also proposed ending a central government guarantee on local government debt issuance, a measure that could dramatically rein in public expenditure.
  18. Only savings accounts and money-market funds, both of which enjoyed an explicit government guarantee during the financial crisis, scored higher than homes.
  19. Third, to ensure banks are willing to start lending to one another again with confidence, I offered a temporary government guarantee for new debt.
  20. The presence of giant mortgage lenders with an implicit government guarantee, taking risks on the assumption that there would be a government backstop if things went wrong, forced private sector lenders to give up on trying to compete with them.
  21. FDIC-backed debt is cheaper to issue than normal debt because investors are prepared to accept a lower interest rate because of the government guarantee.
  22. Forcing banks to fund themselves more through equity than debt makes shareholders safer, unless they were always safe because of a government guarantee exactly the situation we wish to abolish.
  23. The conservatorship brought down their cost of funding by making explicit athe previously implicit government guarantee of their debt, and allowed them to buy more mortgages.
  24. The realization of such a power requires such guarantees as self-guarantee, government guarantee and public guarantee.
  25. In the market economy environments, government guarantee is a two-edged sword.
  26. A Government Guarantee System of Logistics Development in China
  27. Under information symmetry, government guarantee will not influence economic growth, but can enhance finance system's stability.
  28. Thesis establishes the American options measurement model of two types of government guarantee: bilateral guarantee and unilateral guarantee.